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The 4 Cleaning Factors

1) Temperature 2) Mechanical Action 3) Chemical Energy 4) Time

Any change in one of the above factors influences the other three.

The ‘Mechanical Action’ is determined by the tank washer.

Ex. 1)
If you reduce the temperature you might need to increase the ‘Chemical Energy’ or increase the cleaning ‘Time’ to achieve the same result.

Ex. 2)
If you increase the ‘Mechanical Action’ you can reduce the cleaning ‘Time’ and often the ‘Temperature’ and even the ‘Chemical’ content.

By choosing the correct tank washer, you maximise the “Mechanical Action” factor and then can therefore optimise the other three areas.

A reduction in ‘Temperature’, ‘Chemical Energy’ & ‘Time’ will, in most cases, result in a reduction in the cost of a CIP cycle.

To learn more visit: webpage on tank cleaning

PG Flowteknik Scandinavia ApS
Metalgangen 13
2690 Karlslunde
Greve Kommune
CVR nummer: DK31469090

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