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New ZEISS Sigma Family

FE-SEM for high-quality imaging and advanced analytical microscopy

We are introducing the new ZEISS Sigma family, that combines field emission SEM (FE-SEM) technology with an excellent user experience. This new refresh of the Sigma family is composed of a large improvement to low-kV resolution specs and extensively improved low vacuum performance in imaging and analytics for high-resolution imaging and analytics.

The ZEISS Sigma family combines field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) technology with an excellent user experience. Structure your imaging and analysis routines and increase productivity.  Study new materials, particles for quality inspection or biological or geological specimens. Make no compromises in high resolution imaging – go to low voltages and benefit from enhanced resolution and contrast at 1 kV or below. Execute advanced analytical microscopy using best-in-class EDS geometry and get analytical data at twice the speed and with more precision.​

With the Sigma family you are entering the world of high-end nano-analysis.

Learn more about Sigma here.

Carl Zeiss A/S
Bregnerødvej 133A, 1. sal
3460 Birkerød
Rudersdal Kommune
CVR nummer: DK84786217

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